School for a day

School for a day

During the Danish school lock-out in the spring of 2013, Nadja wanted to plan a schoolday for the children who had been locked out and were bored at home – and to help the parents who had trouble finding someone to watch their children. She wrote on Facebook that she would be organizing a schoolday on the following Monday.

If it was just her, she would be able to welcome four kids, if more parents signed up, a lot more kids could go to ‘school’. A couple of minutes later, a landscape architect had promised to build a model town with the children – and shortly after, the new ‘school’ was able to put workshops on Indian shields, animation, journalism and baking cinnamon-rolls on its timetable.

Some adults volunteered for playground duty for a couple of hours. A teenager who had been locked out too taught parkour as gym class. Together, 15 grown-ups and 25 children made it a wonderful day of school. Nadja created the frames by choosing a date and finding a space – from thereon, it was easy for others who wanted to help the kids and their parents to join in.